Saturday, April 25, 2009

Khemri's First Easter & Paytons First FUN Easter!

This year Easter was so fun! Payton is old enough now to play with toys and eat treats. Last year, he was the same age Khemri is now and they don't really care when they're that little. I loved buying all the fun things for their baskets though. Benny got a basket too. All the plastic eggs were filled with fishing lures, hooks, and bait. He loves to go fishing, and he liked my basket idea.
These were our babies baskets.
Their Easter outfits.
Payton loved his toy camera. He didn't put it down all morning.
But I think the biggest hit of Easter morning was the ring pop. De-Lish!

The Easter Bunny left a new bright red trike at Grandmas house. Paytons legs aren't long enough to ride it yet but it's adorable! My mom had a yummy Easter Dinner ready for us when we got there. We ate like Easter Kings. :)

Khemri looks SO pretty in her Easter dress, right? Man, she's a doll. Her new binkies suck though. She can't keep them in her mouth, even when Paytons not in the room.

A visit from Babu

My dad came for a visit a few weeks ago, bearing gifts from his trip to mexico. It's always nice to see him, even if it's only for a day or two.
Payton was SUPER interested in the keys attached to his grandpas belt loop. He had to try to do something to distract him so he'd look at the camera, not the keys.
So he held his keys up in the air... that did the trick.

Khemri was having a bad hair day aparently. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

We got 'em!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately... I've been kinda busy! I'll work on it some more soon!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Benny flew a plane this weekend. He had alot of fun, said the turbulance scared the crap out of him at times, but enjoyed it enough to want to take me some time. He and my mom went up on the plane, the kids and I stayed on the ground. I would have gone up with Benny, but he said "What if the plane goes down? The kids need at least one of their parents." Good point~!

These pictures were taken on our way to the AV Center.

This is the plane he flew.

These pictures were taken after he landed the plane. The kids and I were on the other side of the fence so it was a little hard getting good pics.

My Camera focused on the wrong thing, but the picture's kinda neat.

Payton was upset that we had to wait in the car while Daddy and Grandma had all the fun, so I took his stroller out of the car, strapped him in, and pushed him around. The AV Center is sort of on a hill so I was putting him at the top, letting go, and running in front of him like he was chasing after me. He was having so much fun. Khemri slept in the car the whole time. Typical 2 month old.